joi, 12 martie 2009

Cu sine...

Unul din cele mai grele lucruri pentru un om este "sa fie obligat a trai cu sine si a se gandi la sine", iar din aceasta cauza, una din preocuparile lui principale este de a se uita pe sine insusi si a lasa timpul sa treaca fara reflectie, facand lucruri care sa-l distraga si sa-l impiedice sa se gandeasca la persoana lui.
Omul este permanent in cautare de activitati, caci sufletul nu gaseste in el nimic care sa-l multumeasca si sa nu-l amarasca, fiind principalul motiv pentru "a fugi" de a ramane cu el insusi. Omul este bucuros atunci cand acesta este impiedicat de a-si cerceta sufletul si uita de sine.
Avand pe umeri povara onorii si a bunurilor lui, chiar si a apropiatilor, omul ajunge sa se considere nefericit in momentul cand unul dintre aceste lucruri lipseste, caci a fost invatat inca din copilarie ca fara de acestea nu ar putea fi fericit si implinit.
Asa se explica, avand in vedere aceste lucruri, cum oamenii tanjesc dupa zgomotul si tumultul din lume: fiindca nu putem suporta singuratatea. Cautam linistea sufletelor noastre prin instinct, deasemenea distractii si ocupatii, care "formeaza in noi o confuzie astfel incat toata viata se scurge cautand linistea, luptand impotriva unor obstacole, iar cand le-am invins, aceasta liniste devine insuportabila."

miercuri, 4 martie 2009

Flower pot

He is approaching..
from a far far far distance
how am i to express my shaking heart?
Stole my heart from the very start
and gave me an illness that i cannot recover from...

I want to become a flowerpot
I pray all the time
I want to become a flowerpot
That stands on his small window sill
Even if I won't be able to say a word
or expect anything

From time to time I'll receive
his smile and careness
And just watch his sleeping face

He's leaving
very far far far away
How am i supposed to soothe
these falling tears? He...
Stole my heart from the very start
And gave me an illness that i cannot recover

I want to become the flowerpot
I pray all the time
I want to become the flowerpot
That stands on his small window sill
Even if I won't be able to say a word
or expect anything

From time to time, I'll receive his smile and careness
And just watch his sleeping face

I want to become the flowerpot
That stands on his small window sill
Even if I won't be able to say a word
or expect anything
From time to time, I'll receive his smile and careness